Geo-counter: the iTRY edition
Keep track of visitors to your web site
Last change: 2016/05/12 George Carmichael -
Step 1:
Add this line to your HTML code:
<img src=''>
That's it. iTry is now keeping a 'hidden' record of all visits to that page.
Okay, fine. You probably want to view the log file, too.
Also add this line to your HTML code:
<a target='_blank' href=''>last 20 accesses</a>
Here is a typical set up:
You are visitor <img src=''>
Click <a target='_blank' href=''>here</a> to see the log fileResult:
Is Geo-counter FREE?!
Yes • • • KIND OF:
- Unregistered counters have their log files emptied every month.
- Unregistered counters' log files are only viewable if called from the target web page (ie, via a link on your web page - see example above, or check out the Notes and Tricks)
- You get what you pay for; Your counter -- my bandwidth, my disk storage. If your counter is going to cost me a crapload of money or time, I'll delete your counter.
- FREE?!! --- what's in it for you, George?
Oh, I don't know --- maybe I want to do something in retirement besides whining all the time.